Write For Us Technology: How to Submit Guest Post on Techyprobe

Do you desire to write for us technology blogs and want to showcase your skill, passion and prowess in technical writing? Why not write a pitch or an article to TechyProbe on ‘Write for Us As A Guest Writer in Technology? Our platform looks out for content writers who want to showcase their expertise in article writing on tech among other topics. Writing guest posts for blogs helps you build your portfolio and attracts the right clients to you. If interested then pitch us at techyprobe@gmail.com


Who Can Write for Us on Technology As A Guest Writer?

We accept articles from writers from various fields like technology, gadgets, established and startup businesses, digital marketers and web developers. Additionally, gaming enthusiasts have a place to share experiences as well as the challenges they face in the industry.

TechyProbe aims to create a community that encourages writers from various fields to write for us by creating open opportunities to express their views and knowledge in a judgment-free environment. The topics covered are diverse and open to as many writers as possible.

Our articles cover topics on:

  • Technology
  • Gaming
  • Business and Finance
  • Business news
  • Digital marketing majoring in Social Media Marketing, Marketing of Content and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Web Design and Development


Why You Should Write for Us

While writing as a tech guest post can be a huge sacrifice, it comes with several benefits. Here are more reasons to write for us as a Tech Guest Writer:

  1. Exposure
    Many great writers go unnoticed because traffic to their portfolio websites is limited. Writing for us exposes you to potential clients looking for high-quality content for their platforms. This way you earn from increased visibility of your content for free from a wide audience of professionals and avid tech people.
  2. Stamps Authority and Boosts Growth
    Guest writing showcases you as an authority in the tech field and boosts your credibility. Additionally, the more you write the better you become at it. Writing for us helps you grow professionally and connect with experts in your niche.
  3. Community Development
    Writing helps you share educational and enriching information with the community that contributes to their well-being. This way, you get to help with problems faced by community members in your niche.
  4. Backlinks
    If you write for us as a guest writer, we will allow you to promote your website within the article. This helps you create quality backlinks to your content consequently amassing traffic.


Technology Write For Us Guidelines

Kindly adhere to the following guidelines before submitting your article:

    1. Original and Quality Content
      Our platform only accepts content that is free of plagiarism, well-researched, proofread and original. Additionally, the content should be well structured so that it can rank on search engines (SEO-based).
    2. Meet our word count requirement and formatting standards
      We accept articles with a word count of 1000 words. Moreover, we encourage the use of proper formatting that includes bullet points, numbering, headings and sub-headings where applicable. Also, including Frequently Asked Questions is highly recommended. It helps the article rank well in the search engine.
    3. Ensure that your article is based on the above-mentioned topics to increase the chance of us posting it.
    4. For your article to be accepted as a guest post, ensure it scores well on the readability test. To achieve this, include link words that make the article flow well to the readers. Additionally, the sentences should be short and the paragraphs should not exceed four lines. Incorporating bold and italicized words boosts readability.
    5. One is required to include one or two relevant images in the submission document that are copyright-free. Appropriate captions to the images are highly encouraged.
    6. Articles, once accepted and published cannot be withdrawn or accredited to the author. The admin to the website becomes the owner of the article and no removal request shall be accepted.
    7. Our platform allows self-promotion. We appreciate the genuine contributions to our blog from guest posts and so we allow them to promote their blog. One can get backlinks to their website which generates traffic for them.


Submission Process

If you desire to write for us on technology, tech innovations, latest tech advancements, gadgets, web design, web development then the submission process involves sending an email to techyprobe@gmail.com with the attached article to (State the email)

Follow these steps:

  • Write the subject line as “Write for Us Technology” or “Technology Write for Us ”
  • Write a short introduction paragraph- Introduce yourself and a brief on the article you are submitting.
  • Submit your article as a Word document/Google Doc

The editor will look at the article, give their recommendation then publish. The article may be sent to you for corrections if it still needs to fully meet the guidelines. Kindly take them positively, correct and resubmit.



Our website looks forward to individuals willing to write for us as guest writers in the technology niche. Writing for us gives you a chance to showcase your writing skills and increase traffic to your website with backlinks. With our ever-growing audience, your chances of getting clients whom you can write for are very high. Moreover, we give you a chance to contribute to the tech community by providing educational and useful content to everyone in the tech world.



What is Guest Posting?

It is a marketing strategy where a writer writes posts for other articles for free or paid to promote their brand and showcase their expertise in writing

How Long Should a Guest Blog Be?

Every website has its terms and conditions regarding guest posting. It is important to visit their Write for Us page for more details or email them. However, most guest posts fall between 800-1000 words long.

Can the SEO of my website be improved by Guest Blogging?

Absolutely. Guest posting is a great opportunity to get backlinks to your website. Be sure to accept only quality articles in your ‘write a Guest post for us’ terms and conditions.

Where Can I Get Write for Us Technology Opportunities?

Search ‘Guest Posting’ or ‘Write for Us in Technology’. You will find information on available opportunities and how to submit your guest post to them.

Can I Be Paid To Write A Guest Post?

Yes. Some websites have such opportunities. However, you may need to email them a pitch and send some samples of your past work to be accepted.